What is NailZ ?
NailZ is an arcade survival game were you play a carpenter trapped in a building with zombies coming for you through 6 doors. Your goal is to survive the longest possible by throwing planks to the doors and nailing them to delay the zombie spawning.
My work on NailZ
I was the most experienced programmer in the team, so i worked on almost every part of the game when it comes to code. I worked on the character controller, the shooting mechanic, the doors, the planks blocking the doors, the nails to nail the planks to the doors, the zombie spawning and a pseudo-random wall generator.
Experience Feedback
This experience was a real challenge for me. I had a lot to do on a workspace i’ve never worked on before in a short amount of time. I had almost never used Unity neither the C#, even if C# is an object oriented programming langage like some of those i used in the past, like Java. All those circumstances left me no choice but to adapt, learn, test, fail, test again, then finally having a working solution for our gameplay.
NailZ was designed and developped during the Global Game Jam 2020. We had 48 hours to make it go from a simple idea to a playable game.
We were 6 students in first year of game design studies and we had a very little experience with developping games and especially with Unity. Therefore we were, and still are, proud of our first game.
Game Programming
Alexandre DASPE